New York AHGP
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Explanation of Plots, Southampton, New York


The relative width of the lots fronting the main street is very nearly preserved in the plot, from Gin lane to the Meeting House lane, on both sides of the street; but from this point northward no such accuracy has been attempted, from want of sufficient data, and the design is merely to give the relative location of the residences in early and later times.

The placing of a [] in a lot is also not designed to mark the position of the house in that lot, but to indicate simply the fact, of a residence somewhere in the same.

To the north, say of Robert Woolley, in 1648, the homesteads appear to have been larger than those south of this point, and therefore, it has been impossible to indicate the exact locality of some who their resided. It is known that north of Manassah Kempton, on the same side of the street, lived James Hampton, who gave his homestead to his son-in-law, James Mappam. North of him lived Joshua Barnes. North of Barnes lived John Bishop in 1683.

After every attempt to make an accurate analysis of all the data furnished by the records, perfect certainty cannot in all cases be obtained, yet in the main the plot is believed to be correct in the location of the homes of our ancestors. The west fork in the main street beginning at the residence of the late Capt. Austin Herrick, seems to have been laid out in 1712. Previous to this the line on the west side of the street must have run directly from the south-east corner of the burying ground to the south-east corner of the homestead of Captain A. Herrick. Additional information on Residents Early and Present.

 Southampton | AHGP New York


Source: Early History of Southampton, Long Island, New York, by George Rogers Howell, Second Edition, 1887.

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